We do Group Fitness.

Like, a lot of group fitness, because it’s absolutely amazing.

Check out all of OUR classes below!


Silver sneakers

Staying in shape and feeling good are important at any age. Healthways Fitness has created the SilverSneakers program to help keep exercise a priority for people of all ages. 

One in five people, 65 or older, are eligible for the SilverSneakers program. There is no cost to the participant if they qualify. SilverSneakers is available nationwide through select Medicare health plans, Medicare Supplement Carriers, and Group retiree plans.

To learn more about the SilverSneakers program, or to see if you qualify, you can visit the SilverSneakers website by clicking here.

Our membership coordinators can also assist you to determine if you may qualify.

Aquatic Training

We have a heated pool and available classes for aquatic based training at both our Sulphur and Moss Bluff locations. Whether you love to swim for your workouts or you need guidance and rehabilitation,


Group Fight

Group Fight™ is a gripping hour that burns a ton of calories and builds total body strength. Tap into the hottest mixed martial arts movements done at a rapid-fire pace to smash your cardio fitness! From the boxing ring to the fighting cage, Group Fight combines cutting-edge moves with thrilling music. This electric experience is addictive! FIGHT FOR IT!


Group Blast® is 60 minutes of cardio training that uses The STEP® in highly effective, athletic ways. It will get your heart pounding and sweat pouring as you improve your fitness, agility, coordination, and strength with exciting music and group energy. HAVE A BLAST!

Group Power

Group Power® maximizes your workout results with one hour of cutting-edge strength training! Get muscle strong and movement strong when you combine traditional strength training with functional exercises and the revolutionary science of Loaded Movement Training, using an adjustable barbell, body weight, and heart-pounding music. POWER UP!


Group Centergy® will grow you longer and stronger with an invigorating 60-minute mind-body workout. It incorporates yoga and Pilates fundamentals with athletic training for balance, mobility, flexibility, and the core. Emotive music drives the experience as you breathe and sweat through this full-body fitness journey. REDEFINE YOUR SELF.


Group Active® is an innovative one-hour workout that improves cardiovascular fitness, builds total-body strength, and enhances movement health for daily life. Inspiring music and supportive coaching will ensure you succeed with simple, athletic exercises that use dumbbells, body weight, and The STEP®. ACTIVATE YOUR LIFE! 


Group Ride® is a huge calorie burner that builds great-looking legs! It’s a 60-minute cycling experience brought indoors. Roll over hills, chase the pack, spin the flats, climb mountains, and sprint to the finish! Feel the thrill of energetic music and group dynamics as you get all the benefits of authentic interval training. RIDE ON!


Group Core® gives you three-dimensional strength training in 30 action-packed minutes! A stronger core improves athletic performance, enhances movement health, and helps prevent back pain. Expert coaching and motivating music will push you through integrated exercises that use your body weight and weight plates. HARD CORE!


R30® will get you fitter and feeling better in only 30 minutes. It’s a cardio workout that is as easy as riding a bike. Inspiring music and motivating coaching will get you to burn calories, improve muscular endurance, and build cardio fitness as you ride with surges, short intervals, power, and end with a rush. EVERYONE FINISHES FIRST!


MOVE30® will improve your Movement Health™ in only 30 minutes. By practicing a wide variety of specific exercises, you will move with more ease, less restriction, and increased confidence in everything you do in life or athletics. Expert coaching, motivating music, and choosing your own pace will help you succeed. MOVE FOR LIFE!


3D30® revolutionizes your whole body using the ground-breaking science of Loaded Movement Training. This three-dimensional experience integrates strength, cardio, and mobility training to build an unbreakable body that performs like an athlete. Dynamic music drives the energetic 30-minute workout that includes high-intensity interval training. GET 3D STRONG!

Now is the time.

Start your fitness journey with Dynamic today!